After breakfast at the lodge, you will meet and greet with Tanz-Africa Adventures guide. You will have a short safari briefing session, then with picnic lunch, it’s time for the famous Ngorongoro Crater, drive from the lodge to Ngorongoro Conservation area. You will descend down to the Crater floor by our 4×4 wheel drive vehicle for game viewing, where you will witness one of the beautiful landscapes in the world.

“The Ngorongoro Conservation Area boasts the finest blend of landscapes, wildlife, people and archaeological sites in Africa. Often called “the African Eden”. The Ngorongoro Crater, a World Heritage Site, is nestled in a range of extinct volcanoes which rise to heights of more than 3,500 meters (11,483 feet). It is the largest unflooded and unbroken caldera in the world – 19.2 km (12 miles) in diameter, 610 m (2,000feet) deep and 304 sq. km (117 sq. miles) in area.

Ngorongoro is a huge and deep volcanic Crater. There’s rich pasture, swamps, forest and permanent water on the Crater floor that’s why wildlife is so diverse and numerous. The crater floor is home to the largest population of mammals and you can spot the big 5 here on a relatively small area just stunning. Is the best opportunity to see black Rhino and many other rare species like the black-manned Lion. After game drive enjoy your picnic lunch at Ngoitoktok spring in the crater”.
After picnic lunch enjoy the rest of your time for game drive and late afternoon drive to the lodge your Place,